AMTD Group Company Limited signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with KEB Hana Global Finance Limited

(Hong Kong, 16 January 2015) As a Hong Kong-based leading capital markets & advisory and asset manager with operations throughout Asia, AMTD Group Company Limited (“AMTD Group”) is pleased to announce the signing of a Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement (the “Agreement”) with KEB Hana Global Finance Limited (“KHGF”). The Agreement marks the beginning of a comprehensive and in-depth exchange and cooperation between both parties in a number of areas including the sharing of information and client resources as well as capital markets & advisory businesses. Meanwhile, both parties will explore innovative modes of cooperation in asset management, cross-border financial leasing, merger and acquisitions, investments, institutional products and other fields, in order to further deepen client relationships and provide more diversified financial products and services.
KHGF is the wholly-owned global investment banking arm of KEB Hana Bank, which is the largest banking conglomerate in Korea and a member of Hana Financial Group, one of the largest financial institutions in Korea. As the only offshore investment banking subsidiary of Hana Financial Group based in Hong Kong, KHGF aims to provide integrated fixed-income services and products from underwriting, sales, investment to brokerage, and maximizing intra-group synergy by leveraging on increasing demand for offshore financing solutions from parent group banks or affiliated securities companies in Korea. Backed by the widest overseas branch network and subsidiaries of KEB Hana Bank, the leader in private banking, FX, corporate banking and overseas business in Korea, KHGF is also actively engaged in multi-currency denominated syndicated loans and bonds issuances.